Saturday, July 27, 2013

Loki at the Park on Saturday, July 27,2013

Saturday night - I have to get Loki home and get some sleep,  I have the web page to do tomorrow.  I was playing around with and took this picture of Loki and me with the webcam:

Loki and I via webcam on
I had to be on the computer all day today -- all day for days because of the class and the work I've had to get done.  I wanted to walk Loki this week - nice, long walks on the sidewalk and at the park.  Of course, there was no time for all that.  Today, I thought Loki was acting bored so I was determined to take him to the park.  I got dressed the first time and it started to pour rain.  I took him around 5:30 PM, I guess, when the temperature was down to 75 degrees.  It was still hard on me.

Loki loved the park, I think.  He was excited to see so many people and other dogs.  He doesn't walk on the leash very well, of course.  Cathy and Nick need to walk Mr. Loki and take him to the park when they get home.....first, they need a fenced yard for him and they need a big tree or two for shade in it.

Loki was excited to see the park.  He wanted to get out of the car.
This was before I saw the snake signs....not that Loki was going to go wading anyway.

Loki didn't really trust the water.  He barely got this close.

Enough said.

"Wildlife habitat," my ass - this only means the place is snake infested.

Here are pictures of what Loki really wanted to do at the park -

Loki marks the trees - sometimes more than once.
Loki marks the trashcans.

Loki just wants to pee on everything.
At least four people asked what kind of dog Loki was - in less than 30 minutes.  One guy (who had a big ass mastiff) said he looked like he had a "Chow" face.  A baby girl on a swing blew kisses at Loki after he went up to her and her older sister (or very young mother).  The sister/mother thanked me like I had done them a favor to show the little girl the dog, but the truth is Loki just went up to them whether I liked it or not.

One woman squealed that he looked exactly like a fox.  When we were headed back to the car, a man came out of the gazebo and when I said that Loki was a shiba inu, he said he had lived in Japan for a while.  I guess he knew about shiba inus then.  I told everybody that I was just dog sitting. 

I need to stop and get Loki home.  I have to take care of Finnie and Luna.  

Saturday, July 27, 2013

I have some pictures from last night.  Cindy came over for dinner and we had mexican chicken with cauliflower rice and Artic Zone fake ice cream.  We watched World's Dumbest... and Cindy took a couple of pics of Loki laying against my leg.

This picture was cry-worthy.  I had to crop myself out of it, but this shows that Loki voluntarily layed against me and put his head on my thigh.  He might be a love dog, after all.

Cindy took this picture...I had to crop out a little of me and the mess.  :)  But Loki did this voluntarily.  It could have been because there was so much crap on the sofa he didn't have room to lay anywhere else. but I think he loves me.

I took this picture later of Loki sleeping against my leg.

Loki did the love thing again this morning on the blue couch.  I even hoisted him up on my side and he stayed there a little bit -- of course, I was petting like mad the whole time. I think he does that when he wants me to get up.  Before that, he came over and started licking my heel that was sticking off the sofa cushion.

Friday, July 26, 2013

LOKI LOVE Friday, July 26, 2013

Loki came over and layed his head on my leg -- it slipped off but you can see he was laying up against me.  This was watching tv at my house on Thursday night.  He layed his head on my leg before but I didn't have the cell phone with me to get a picture.
I shouldn't tell this because it will make you guys so jealous -  but I was laying on the sofa this morning at your house and I heard Loki get up.  I was laying there thinking, "I can't get up and walk this dog," when he jumped up on the sofa by my feet -- heading toward my head.  So I patted my upper side and he came right up to my chest.  I grabbed him in a one-armed hug and started petting his head saying things like, "Love, Puppy!  Do you love me, Puppy!?  Am I finally gettng love?!"  and he stayed there for a long time -- he was licking and licking and licking my neck and chest, which was grodie, but hey -- it was love from Loki and we all know that is RARE.  Of course, I didn't have the cell phone to get any pictures -- if I could have gotten a picture of that anyway.

He probably just wanted me to get up.  I did get up and went out to get his line - I was going to let him on the line while I went to the bathroom.  When I put the line in the door (I was outside) he backed up and sat down.  He was NOT going on the line - he wanted to be walked on the leash, thank you very much.

Loki was outside when Mr. Short came to my house at 9:00 to start the floor.  He was terrified at first -- he barked and barked at Mr. Short and when he came in he was slinking belly to the floor and I think his back legs were shaking.  But he got over that really quickly - and Mr. Short has been saying things like, "Get back...get back..." to him.  He stuck his nose all over Mr. Short's head.  Mr. Short is kneeling on the floor so his head is level with Loki's.  How can Mr. Short kneel on the floor?  My knee caps would shatter. 

Loki checking out everything Mr. Short is doing.

Mr. Short had to use a saw to cut out the rotted subfloor stuff.  The saw was not fun for the cats or Loki or me.  I went looking for Loki and found him in a corner between the sofa and a folding table and the coffee table.  I picked him up and sat on the sofa to love on him and he climbed on me like he does to see out the window.

I shifted his back legs to the back of the sofa....and turned around later to check on Loki and saw him still on the back of the sofa.

Is one leg behind the sofa?  Why did he just stay up there?
I took pictures to prove how he looked like one of the cats but he was acting very tired - like he couldn't keep his eyes open.  I left him there for a few minutes but when I looked at him again, it looked like his back end was slipping behind the sofa, so I went to get him off of there.

Look at that leg is not even on the sofa, I think, and he was acting like he was narcoleptic.  I don't know if the saw rattled his brains or what.

Later, I had a crisis trying to get Loki back in after I got him over the hole in the floor to the deck.

What a hole -- right where Loki has to go out onto the deck.  The hole is covered now so nothing can fall through.

I kept endangering myself to get over the hole to get Loki back in but he would run from me.  Mr. Short tried but he ran from him too.  After about the 14th time I went out there, he stayed put and let me pick him up.  Then I couldn't get back in while holding him and Mr. Short had to take him from me over the hole... The hole is covered up now - Mr. Short says someone else will have to come and take out the sliding glass door and a lot of the wall beside it to put in a "base 2x4" that has rotted out.  He says it is a big job and it will cost a lot.  Just great.

Loki is guarding the nylabone I gave him.  He isn't eating right yet - apparently he needs a nap.  I need to stop taking pictures of the dog and get some stuff done.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday, July 15, 2013

Loki  - when we were at his house last night. 
My camera doesn't take a good picture if I have to zoom in.  Loki was really cute last night and I was sitting in Gabe's spot, so I would have to zoom in.  :(  I had a cuter picture but the camera said "blink face detected" and deleted it. 

Loki immediately peed in my floor when we got here to my house.  He peed on the basket again and by the same dining room chair.  :(  He waited until I was not in the room to do it, though.  I gave him some of his food this morning here at my house.  When I put the bowl down, he stood stiff-legged over the bowl and turned his head slowly from side to side.  He wants the cats to come and try to take it.  Oliver did exactly that, of course, and Loki did his nose charge thing.

I am up-to-date on Gabe's blog pictures.  I had forgotten the "Rice house".  I think it is good that they said it was the "Brevard Rice House" so that the original people didn't get tossed aside.  What was the neighborhood like? 

Nicholas looked happy at the Aquarium. 


Loki, thank goodness, has no scratches and both eyes.  I left him here while I ran to Walmart.  Mr. Short is coming tomorrow to tear up the floor by the sliding glass doors and I have to clean.  Thanks to Loki, my floor looks like this:

Loki has a paper problem.

Loki, like I said, won't let the cats by the sofa.  They are either back in the bedroom or up on the dining room table all the time.  Loki saw Zahi on the floor, sitting by the sliding glass doors, and he ran over there to nose-butt him.  Zahi ran across the room to the sofa and Loki ran over there very agitated and did a little dance and finally barked VERY loud and scared Zahi.  Zahi went back to the bedroom.  I am blocking the kitchen door to the hallway with the trashcan.  The cats can get past it but Loki thinks he can't, so the cats at least have that haven.

Loki running Zahi around.
Loki is under the table ripping paper now.  What will he do with himself if I pick it all up?

Loki is really cute when he sleeps.  When he stops chasing the cats away, he is the perfect "watching TV puppy"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wedensday, July 24, 2013

Loki and the state of the floor.  I think he needs the dog whisperer man.

Loki actually just went outside (11:00 AM) and stayed a few minutes.  Of course, when we first got here, he did his usual bathroom thing in my yard.  No, when we first came in,  he immediately lifted his leg on one of my handmade African baskets in front of the coffee table. 

I have to work on school work....the website is due Monday and I have other assignments due Sunday.  At some point, I have to get to the Wal-Mart and buy up tons of drinks to replace what I'm drinking at your house.

Loki is back outside...he still goes out and does an about-face when I close the door behind him.  He just went down the steps.  Maybe he is finally getting the hang of playing in the yard.  He will have to come over with Nicholas to play next week.  It is supposed to only be in the mid-80s today and I see the limbs moving a little...a breeze.  I need to trust and let him stay out a few minutes before I panic that he has found a way out.

I will write more later.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I figured out last night that I should put Finnegan and Luna's treats in the hallway over the gate so they can eat without Loki taking the treats from them.  They are smart....they go around the laundry basket through a gap to the hallway but Loki hasn't figure that out yet.

Loki has tried to follow me down your hall and into your bathroom.  He didn't do that before...he didn't pay attention if the gate was left with a gap, but he might pay attention now. 

Their is cat pee on the bottom of the boxes around the littler box downstairs.  Maybe they are accidentally doing that?  Have you noticed that before?  One box looked fresh and I wiped at it with a wipe. 
I have faithfully scooped the litter box every night....those little "thank you" bags smell really bad.  I put a garbage bag in the outside trash bin to put them in.  It makes me sick to think of that going to the landfill.  No wonder landfills stink so bad.  And having it in doesn't bear thinking about.  I just have to let that go.  But maybe it should be buried or something?  Ugh.

Loki did go outside just a bit ago and he did his little U turn but I walked away from the door  -- and he did go down into the yard.  And then not even 5 minutes later, I panicked because he wasn't back yet and went out on the deck yelling, "LOKI!  LOKI!" and he ran up the deck steps.  So much for playing outside.  If he does stay out I panic so it doesn't do him much good, I guess.

I tried to watch TV here (I'm in the black polka dotted thing) and Loki was all over the place - going into the bowels of the sofa because I put my legs up, chasing cats off.... I wanted him to sit beside me and chew his antler, and he did for a few minutes.  Then he got the antler down between the two cushions and I heard it hit the floor.  It ended up with me turning the two hooked together recliners upside down to get the antler back.  Loki was way more interested in what was under the sofa than he was in the antler.  :/


LOKI CLEANS HOUSE - Monday, July 22, 2013

Today is actually Tuesday and I'm back from the interview.  I am not very hopeful about the interview.

I would love to post a bunch of pictures but I just can't get them to show up on my computer. It is so aggravating and it is really holding up my blog here.

I noticed yesterday that Loki has finally learned how to "get in the car" and "get out of the car". For the first few days, I had to drag him to the car some and pick him up --- catch him by locking the leash and all.  But now when I open the passenger side door, he jumps right in. 

Loki has been cleaning my house, in a manner of speaking.  If anyone needs everything out from under their beds or coffee tables, just invite Loki over.  I could not believe the amount of "hair balls" he got from under my bed.  Cathy had a questions about what a "dried up hair sausage" is - that is a long log of matted hair that the cats barf up.  They do sausage like logs and not "balls" because they have so much fur, I guess.  They apparently do it under the bed and I dont' see it and it dries and petrifies.....and Loki loves them.

Loki going under the bed

Loki sqeezing under the bed to treasure hunt.

This is Loki flattening out to get at the goodies under my bed.  >:/  You see his little rear -- he is almost completely under there.

this is an example of one of the dried up "hair balls" I took from Loki.

He wouldn't let me catch him to get a lot of them out of his mouth, so I would have to trade him pupperoni sticks for the hair sausages.

Loki going under the coffee table.  There was either a cat under there or he couldn't go much farther than this.

As of Monday, Loki still doesn't want to go out in the yard by himself.  He goes to the door and I open it and he trots out but when I close the door he does a little U turn and comes right back to the door.  A few times he did go ahead and go out in the yard....I think he does that to #2.  My yard is good for that, apparently.  He does that first thing when we get back to my house from his house.

He really, really, really is into chewing up any paper he can get a hold of -- paper plates, tissues, envelopes, paper towels, wrappers, small boxes....Is that normal?  I don't remember my dogs making confetti like that.  Loki caught me trying to sweep up the paper into a little dust pan and he broke bad on the hand held broom and dust pan...he was right between my arms while I squatting trying to get clean it up, so I couldn't see to sweep anything up. 

I made a 50 second video to embed but it won't upload or go through messages because "the attachment is too big".  I am really disgusted with the cell phone.  

Besides going into the hall and my bedroom, Loki is now following me out to the garage...he goes as far as the landing.  I really can't let him in the garage, though, because of the litter box situation, so I am having to shut the door in his face when I go out to do laundry.  That much almond roca might make him really sick.

I'll keep trying to do the pictures.