Friday, July 19, 2013

FRIDAY, July 19, 2013

11:40 AM

Loki and I are back at my house.  He "marked" one of my dining room chairs and when I let him on the deck, he peed on my pots.  But he is out in the yard now running around and he appears happy.  Maybe I can get a picture....good boy, he just came to the door to come in.

Loki came right back to the door and was pawing at it to let me know he wanted in. 
Oh, and he went #2 as soon as we got here and he went out into the yard.  :) 

He slept really well last night.  He passed out in Cathy's place by at least 11:00 and I didn't walk him until 6:30 AM.  I got up at 4:41 AM to go to the bathroom and he started barking at something outside.  There was no way in hell I was going to open the door -- thankfully,  he didn't act like he wanted to go, but we did at 6:30 AM.  I think he is appalled at how slow I am - he goes as far as he can on his leash without tugging and then looks back at me as if to say, "Can't you go any faster at all?"

Loki tends to stay right by my leg when we are in the house.  I need to cut my "cankle" out of the picture.  :(

I gave Loki a saltine cracker.  He wouldn't eat it, but he guarded it for a long my leg, of course. I think he would have liked for one of the cats to go after it.
8:35 PM

None of the pictures I took with my cell phone will show up .....still.  I have no clue what is up with that.  I guess I will publish this  and put pics in whenever I finally get them.     (update: finally got a few of the pictures)

Loki is pretty quiet here...he stays right beside my legs.  When I sat on the sofa to take a nap, we had some altercations.  The cats are used to sitting on me when I sit on the sofa and they came hurrying over.  Loki stood guard and charged them if they came too close.

I don't know if you can that there are 3 cats flanking our position.  When I got on the sofa, there was a lot of nose charging by Loki and hissing by the cats.  Eventually Loki and I did take a nap on the couch.
I went outside with Loki so he would run in the yard.  I was loping off limbs everywhere and Loki finally did start running in circles ...and leaping at me and grabbing my hand in his teeth and biting me in the rear....I have no clue why.  Maybe he was trying to say he wanted to come in already.

He is passed out on the floor now....I need to start some laundry and get back to his house.

I'll post pictures when I get them.

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