Tuesday, July 23, 2013

LOKI CLEANS HOUSE - Monday, July 22, 2013

Today is actually Tuesday and I'm back from the interview.  I am not very hopeful about the interview.

I would love to post a bunch of pictures but I just can't get them to show up on my computer. It is so aggravating and it is really holding up my blog here.

I noticed yesterday that Loki has finally learned how to "get in the car" and "get out of the car". For the first few days, I had to drag him to the car some and pick him up --- catch him by locking the leash and all.  But now when I open the passenger side door, he jumps right in. 

Loki has been cleaning my house, in a manner of speaking.  If anyone needs everything out from under their beds or coffee tables, just invite Loki over.  I could not believe the amount of "hair balls" he got from under my bed.  Cathy had a questions about what a "dried up hair sausage" is - that is a long log of matted hair that the cats barf up.  They do sausage like logs and not "balls" because they have so much fur, I guess.  They apparently do it under the bed and I dont' see it and it dries and petrifies.....and Loki loves them.

Loki going under the bed

Loki sqeezing under the bed to treasure hunt.

This is Loki flattening out to get at the goodies under my bed.  >:/  You see his little rear -- he is almost completely under there.

this is an example of one of the dried up "hair balls" I took from Loki.

He wouldn't let me catch him to get a lot of them out of his mouth, so I would have to trade him pupperoni sticks for the hair sausages.

Loki going under the coffee table.  There was either a cat under there or he couldn't go much farther than this.

As of Monday, Loki still doesn't want to go out in the yard by himself.  He goes to the door and I open it and he trots out but when I close the door he does a little U turn and comes right back to the door.  A few times he did go ahead and go out in the yard....I think he does that to #2.  My yard is good for that, apparently.  He does that first thing when we get back to my house from his house.

He really, really, really is into chewing up any paper he can get a hold of -- paper plates, tissues, envelopes, paper towels, wrappers, small boxes....Is that normal?  I don't remember my dogs making confetti like that.  Loki caught me trying to sweep up the paper into a little dust pan and he broke bad on the hand held broom and dust pan...he was right between my arms while I squatting trying to get clean it up, so I couldn't see to sweep anything up. 

I made a 50 second video to embed but it won't upload or go through messages because "the attachment is too big".  I am really disgusted with the cell phone.  

Besides going into the hall and my bedroom, Loki is now following me out to the garage...he goes as far as the landing.  I really can't let him in the garage, though, because of the litter box situation, so I am having to shut the door in his face when I go out to do laundry.  That much almond roca might make him really sick.

I'll keep trying to do the pictures.

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