Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I figured out last night that I should put Finnegan and Luna's treats in the hallway over the gate so they can eat without Loki taking the treats from them.  They are smart....they go around the laundry basket through a gap to the hallway but Loki hasn't figure that out yet.

Loki has tried to follow me down your hall and into your bathroom.  He didn't do that before...he didn't pay attention if the gate was left with a gap, but he might pay attention now. 

Their is cat pee on the bottom of the boxes around the littler box downstairs.  Maybe they are accidentally doing that?  Have you noticed that before?  One box looked fresh and I wiped at it with a wipe. 
I have faithfully scooped the litter box every night....those little "thank you" bags smell really bad.  I put a garbage bag in the outside trash bin to put them in.  It makes me sick to think of that going to the landfill.  No wonder landfills stink so bad.  And having it in plastic....it doesn't bear thinking about.  I just have to let that go.  But maybe it should be buried or something?  Ugh.

Loki did go outside just a bit ago and he did his little U turn but I walked away from the door  -- and he did go down into the yard.  And then not even 5 minutes later, I panicked because he wasn't back yet and went out on the deck yelling, "LOKI!  LOKI!" and he ran up the deck steps.  So much for playing outside.  If he does stay out I panic so it doesn't do him much good, I guess.

I tried to watch TV here (I'm in the black polka dotted thing) and Loki was all over the place - going into the bowels of the sofa because I put my legs up, chasing cats off.... I wanted him to sit beside me and chew his antler, and he did for a few minutes.  Then he got the antler down between the two cushions and I heard it hit the floor.  It ended up with me turning the two hooked together recliners upside down to get the antler back.  Loki was way more interested in what was under the sofa than he was in the antler.  :/


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