Saturday, July 27, 2013

Loki at the Park on Saturday, July 27,2013

Saturday night - I have to get Loki home and get some sleep,  I have the web page to do tomorrow.  I was playing around with and took this picture of Loki and me with the webcam:

Loki and I via webcam on
I had to be on the computer all day today -- all day for days because of the class and the work I've had to get done.  I wanted to walk Loki this week - nice, long walks on the sidewalk and at the park.  Of course, there was no time for all that.  Today, I thought Loki was acting bored so I was determined to take him to the park.  I got dressed the first time and it started to pour rain.  I took him around 5:30 PM, I guess, when the temperature was down to 75 degrees.  It was still hard on me.

Loki loved the park, I think.  He was excited to see so many people and other dogs.  He doesn't walk on the leash very well, of course.  Cathy and Nick need to walk Mr. Loki and take him to the park when they get home.....first, they need a fenced yard for him and they need a big tree or two for shade in it.

Loki was excited to see the park.  He wanted to get out of the car.
This was before I saw the snake signs....not that Loki was going to go wading anyway.

Loki didn't really trust the water.  He barely got this close.

Enough said.

"Wildlife habitat," my ass - this only means the place is snake infested.

Here are pictures of what Loki really wanted to do at the park -

Loki marks the trees - sometimes more than once.
Loki marks the trashcans.

Loki just wants to pee on everything.
At least four people asked what kind of dog Loki was - in less than 30 minutes.  One guy (who had a big ass mastiff) said he looked like he had a "Chow" face.  A baby girl on a swing blew kisses at Loki after he went up to her and her older sister (or very young mother).  The sister/mother thanked me like I had done them a favor to show the little girl the dog, but the truth is Loki just went up to them whether I liked it or not.

One woman squealed that he looked exactly like a fox.  When we were headed back to the car, a man came out of the gazebo and when I said that Loki was a shiba inu, he said he had lived in Japan for a while.  I guess he knew about shiba inus then.  I told everybody that I was just dog sitting. 

I need to stop and get Loki home.  I have to take care of Finnie and Luna.  

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