Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wedensday, July 24, 2013

Loki and the state of the floor.  I think he needs the dog whisperer man.

Loki actually just went outside (11:00 AM) and stayed a few minutes.  Of course, when we first got here, he did his usual bathroom thing in my yard.  No, when we first came in,  he immediately lifted his leg on one of my handmade African baskets in front of the coffee table. 

I have to work on school work....the website is due Monday and I have other assignments due Sunday.  At some point, I have to get to the Wal-Mart and buy up tons of drinks to replace what I'm drinking at your house.

Loki is back outside...he still goes out and does an about-face when I close the door behind him.  He just went down the steps.  Maybe he is finally getting the hang of playing in the yard.  He will have to come over with Nicholas to play next week.  It is supposed to only be in the mid-80s today and I see the limbs moving a little...a breeze.  I need to trust and let him stay out a few minutes before I panic that he has found a way out.

I will write more later.

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