Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday, July 15, 2013

Loki  - when we were at his house last night. 
My camera doesn't take a good picture if I have to zoom in.  Loki was really cute last night and I was sitting in Gabe's spot, so I would have to zoom in.  :(  I had a cuter picture but the camera said "blink face detected" and deleted it. 

Loki immediately peed in my floor when we got here to my house.  He peed on the basket again and by the same dining room chair.  :(  He waited until I was not in the room to do it, though.  I gave him some of his food this morning here at my house.  When I put the bowl down, he stood stiff-legged over the bowl and turned his head slowly from side to side.  He wants the cats to come and try to take it.  Oliver did exactly that, of course, and Loki did his nose charge thing.

I am up-to-date on Gabe's blog pictures.  I had forgotten the "Rice house".  I think it is good that they said it was the "Brevard Rice House" so that the original people didn't get tossed aside.  What was the neighborhood like? 

Nicholas looked happy at the Aquarium. 


Loki, thank goodness, has no scratches and both eyes.  I left him here while I ran to Walmart.  Mr. Short is coming tomorrow to tear up the floor by the sliding glass doors and I have to clean.  Thanks to Loki, my floor looks like this:

Loki has a paper problem.

Loki, like I said, won't let the cats by the sofa.  They are either back in the bedroom or up on the dining room table all the time.  Loki saw Zahi on the floor, sitting by the sliding glass doors, and he ran over there to nose-butt him.  Zahi ran across the room to the sofa and Loki ran over there very agitated and did a little dance and finally barked VERY loud and scared Zahi.  Zahi went back to the bedroom.  I am blocking the kitchen door to the hallway with the trashcan.  The cats can get past it but Loki thinks he can't, so the cats at least have that haven.

Loki running Zahi around.
Loki is under the table ripping paper now.  What will he do with himself if I pick it all up?

Loki is really cute when he sleeps.  When he stops chasing the cats away, he is the perfect "watching TV puppy"

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