Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loki was tired last night and wanted to go home and sleep.  He would only sleep on the sofa when I sat on the sofa.  But here, he did lay down to sleep farther away from my feet. He has to miss his carpet and rugs.

Loki doesn't want to sit in the back seat...he has to sit up front.  And I have to work with him to keep him from sitting on me.  This is at the CVS window last night.  We had a picture taking session while we waited for the CVS man to hurry the hell up and come to the window. His paws are on my stomach so he was so close I couldn't get all of his ears in the picture.

Noon - back at my house.  Loki loves going home at night.  It was a good idea for me to sleep there with him.  He doesn't want to go past the kitchen at my house and when I took him into my bedroom yesterday, he wasn't happy.  When we get to his house, he gets out of the car and immediately runs to the door...he doesn't veer off to even mark anything.  As soon as he gets in, he starts attacking his toys. 

He has been sleeping great.  He passed out under the coffee table for a while last night but he mainly sleeps in Cathy's place.

Finnegan and Luna are doing fine.  This morning, Finn was sharpening his claws on the back of Cathy's desk chair.  :(  I gave them treats last night and I had to give Loki beggin' strips to keep him off their treats....the milk bone things didn't phase him. 

Playing the food game this morning.  At least we know Loki is eating some of his dog food this way.  :)
Loki and I played the food game early this morning.  I am worried that he isn't eating his regular food at all.  I gave him some of his food at my house yesterday - I think I did that twice.  I just put it on the floor by my feet and he eats it  - I think because the cats want it, too, so he eats it fast.  Early this morning (like 9:00 AM) when we were in your house, I took a handful of food and made a big trail of it on the carpet and he ate it.  So at least we know he is getting some of his dog food in addition to just treats. 

Loki and I went through the Red, Hot and Blue drive thru about 7:30 PM last night. We were apparently waited on by Cathy's friend from Ken Po.  She asked how my sister was doing.  >:(  Why is she working there?  I guess she's nice, but so much for my anonymity.  I got the "five meat treat" so it would be low carb....but the baked potato and little corn muffins and fried okra weren't low carb.  I shared a little with Loki...He really like the pulled chicken.  I wasn't so keen on the brisket and he got more of that....I would share the sausage.

I weighed myself and I have lost a little of what I gained....I gain and lose so fast that it is hard to tell if I'm gaining or losing overall.

I need to wrap this up for now because I have to get the assignments done for tomorrow.  And I saw Mr. Short yesterday, so he is back from Deleware so he is going to want to get started on my floor -- and my house is still a nightmare. 

About going outside: 

I am still anxiety ridden when I let Loki out.  Every morning I go out with him to make sure the gates are still closed.  Usually he goes out and pees on the deck and wants right back in.  Last night, he disappeared into the dark -- I had the deck light on, but I couldn't see the yard.  I was sweating bullets until he came back to the door. I think he wants me to go out with him everytime he goes but of course I can't do that. Maybe he and I will both get better at this going out thing -- he will play in the yard more and I won't worry as much. I am constantly worried that he will find a hole to get through or a bee will sting him or something. And God help us that the bear doesn't come through again while Loki is out there.

Just now, he went out and immediately turned around to come in when I didn't go out too.  I walked away from the door and he did go down to the yard.  Then (in less than 3 minutes) I couldn't stand it and I had to go walk out on the deck to make sure he was still in the yard and to get a picture.  As soon as he saw me, he ran up to me.  I didn't leave the deck and he eventually did go down to the yard and I got two of him standing and then he layed down.  I thought he might stay out a while so I went in and as soon as I turned around -- he was back at the door. 
While I stood on the deck, Loki started checking everything out...the steps, all around this tree....
Loki layed down in the shade and I thought he would stay out a few minutes, but as soon as I went in, he was at the door wanting to come in. 

He has started something new today...when he comes in he does this little half jump on me like he is happy to see me.  He didn't do that the past two days. 

He is getting braver about the cats....he does his little charge and duck away thing at them. 

I really have to stop and do some work, but I took one more picture.....I looked around to see where Loki was, and he was on the sofa.  So he feels comfortable enough to get on the sofa and not stay right by  my feet. 

ARGH - this pic won't send now so I will have to wait until it decides to show up.  Roger gets to come today but I can't answer always says "message failed."   I will add the sofa picture later.  I'm going to make biscuits now.....getting hungry.

Update - got the sofa picture.  Mother called just now.  I guess she is speaking to me again. :/    I really have to stop blogging about Loki and get stuff done.

My texting thing is not working today.

Loki has finally decided to get on the sofa by himself.  It has to be more comfortable than the floor.  I have a towel on there....but he wants the corner,  guess.

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